Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On my mind... just some thoughts

Dearest Reader,
                As you may have noticed I had decided to address these letters formally to you, the reader. I find it much easier if there is a conversation going on, though it is quite one sided.
                Today I write a few things on my mind. This past week I have been working on a presentation for Interior Design,  researching the design prospects within the kitchen. I was looking up quotes and found this one “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” – Harry S. Truman
I quite like this. Life is so full of difficulties and little challenges. Isn’t it interesting considering the silliness of it all? I mean of our definitions around life and our experiences.
                You know when I organize my thoughts it’s as if I am writing in my journal or something. They are formed kind of like this “The sky is ever such a sight of glory, each day so significantly beautiful. It can stream a cluster of similarly fantastical displays from day to day and then excite you with something like clouds and the smell of storms, like today.”
                So today I was thinking about my scripture classes yesterday, I really enjoy these. We were in the book of Moses and read how Eve rejoiced because of their transgression as quoted. My thoughts read something like this, “How fascinating and significant that we get some insight into Eve’s feelings on the subject of The Fall, indeed to have any insight to any of her thoughts is quite a treasure. But what is the significance of her display here? Perhaps this page is of some import since on one side we see Eve and Adam’s joy, and then on the other we are told the story of Cain and Abel and know at once their sorrow. How telling of life.”
                I would like to share a couple of things which have recently been of some interest to me and I suppose as this is my blog I might as well.
                I have had opportunity to observe some children and parents alike and have been reflecting. I find it fascinating to see how each seems to complain about the other equally! I have now decided that it must be a ‘traditions of the fathers’ occurrence. If parents complain about their parents, then of course the sponges they have for children will do just as the parents have taught them. So, if a parent complains about their child and their child about the parent each has only themselves to blame and ought to change for the betterment of the next generation. Here I ought to say that I talk more about my own flaws than anyone else. I hope that I will retain the absurdity of it and enjoy a peaceful life without the silliness.
                Life is full of the daintiest most harmless indulgences which, to me, seem to be a key which unlocks an important door.  Do you know, every time I turn on the shower to ‘hot’ it makes the most incredible noise throughout the piping. I originally turned water to ‘cold’ in order that I might not inconvenience anyone. I realized, however, that this was ridiculous. Why would I do what is dysfunctional in order that others might not hear for a short time (and it does only last a little while) the loud noises of my progression.
                What is the outcome of behaving in a manner which is contradictory to what we know is right? The scriptures outline it clearly. But you know what is funny; it is made so blunt and obvious that people seem to miss it. Christ was told that He could not receive revelation from Heavenly Father, that He was not the Son of God or Messiah. What would have happened if He decided to believe this? And yet we believe similar taunts so very often and so very subtle, it is almost laughable! In C. S. Lewis’ book “Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold” he speaks directly on this. A girl, Psyche, was chosen to do some work for the Gods. She had the world fight against her, the world she could handle well enough. Her hardest fight was against those closest to her who disbelieved her. They, unknowingly, would regard her as self-righteous and other such some. It is a fascinating book, but quite long if you read the whole, so I suggest the last couple of chapters. They have the most meat.
                This, in any case, is food for thought. “Many are called…” Sometimes I think the greatest inconveniences we will ever face will be the things that bind us within our hearts. The loves and affections we have which cannot sustain what God would have us do. The Buddhists call this ‘Craving’, that is to say, the things within us we tie our identity to which limit us from our potential. It is like in C. S. Lewis’ book “The Great Divorce” here he describes the need we have to divorce ourselves from the natural man and embrace God’s love. Also a fascinating book and my favourite of his, one of few books I have read more than once.
                The gospel comparisons are obvious.
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields o the enticing of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”
                I ought to put in here that Brad and I are well. He is strength and love I have always needed, and I don’t know what I am for him, but whatever I am it is a good thing. We enjoy a union which was orchestrated by the heavens and daily bless because we have each other and Heavenly Father.
Brad continues to study until late. I sometimes find myself chucking a tantrum! Chocolate, books and my own homework have helped occupy my time. Though Brad and I decided two days ago we would eat healthier, I have failed two days in a row!!! But I will try again tomorrow. Maybe I should just say that a little chocolate is just fine when you have class after class and sugar is in order :)
Totally justified, right? 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The cool autumn is on the way

            This past week has treated Brad and I very well. It is getting a lot colder here in provo and the trees on the mountain are turning yellows and red. We are enjoying the cooler weather and beautiful colours.

The pace for our studies continues to increase but we find little pieces of time to be together.
            Friday night we started the weekend off in style! We went to the movies and watched Bourne Legacy. WOW! Talk about action!!! Brad and I really enjoy the Bourne movies, even though we’re on the edges of our seats. We watched all three of them in three week period, I had seen them but Brad had not. The whole way through Brad was asking “What’s going to happen?” and I was like “I completely forget.” So, it seems It doesn’t matter how many times I see some movies, I’ll just forget them anyways. This is an excellent way to save money J just forget the movie and watch it again. We have been trying to save money, so we didn’t get popcorn or a drink this time. Turns out, you don’t need it!
            On Saturday Brad and I were up and out to the farmers markets for fresh produce. We have decided we like this better than the Co-op as we get the produce we want for comparable prices. We also got a little tub of honey; Brad wants to get honey comb and experiment with its many useful properties. Such as polishing, etc. The rest of the day was spent doing homework and such. We also went for a walk, we often walk around our block or a few around dusk.
            Sunday we had stake conference. It was MASSIVE! They had to broadcast it three times through the day so everyone in the stake could see it. They treated it a lot like General Conference which we felt was not quite as warm. But we did learn! A speaker spoke about the importance of remembering, but our favourite talk was by the General Primary President. She talked about making the house like a temple by praying, reading scripture and teaching the gospel. We enjoyed this talk because we could feel the spirit and her sincerity.
            Monday I was up at 5.45 and getting ready for school. I leave for school at 7.15 so I can beat some of the traffic. Monday evening Brad and I had some friends over, Jessica and Brent. They’re in our ward and heaps of fun! We enjoyed a chicken alfredo with salad, some apple crumble with ice-cream and we played a board game. I gave the spiritual thought on Moses and how he was tempted. The I talked about how one of the early apostles used to say the following whenever he would be tempted by Satan “Shut up Devil!” and then he’d make a threat to the devil that he will do even more to further the work of God if he doesn’t stop. Funny ay! I learned that in my Pearl of Great Price class.
            Wednesday’s are my loooong days. I start school at 8.50 and finish at 7pm. Yesterday I was sooooo pooped! Plus I forgot to eat lunch. Luckily I have a friend who drives home with me on Wednesdays, but my brain was ‘done in’. As soon as I walked through the door I could smell some delicious food. Brad had dinner all prepared for us. I could have melted. We sat down and ate dinner while watching a tv show. Afterward we had about 10mins to snuggle then Brad was back to studying. I tried my hardest to stay awake till he came to bed, but I was out by 10 and he came to bed at 10.30. Exercising your mind is serious business folks!
            Today has been very productive. I woke up at 7.30 stayed in bed till 8.45 ;) when I threw on clothes and dropped Brad off to his class. I came home and sat on my chair in front of my laptop. I stayed sitting there until 1.50 when I picked Brad up from school and dropped him off at work, then I got home and sat on that chair until 4.30. I completed two assignments and I’m close on a third. Tomorrow I’ll be doing the same on this third assignment and another fourth.
            There’s one assignment I’d like to tell you about. It’s the New Testament one. I had to read at least 35 pages (though I ended up with about 6 Journals and 90 pages!!) worth of BYU or Maxwell Institute Journals or Articles. A note on these, I never really thought that a paper about the four gospels could be so sterile! Truly, they talked about time periods, possible traditions, general tone and content. Thoroughly fascinating because it is difficult to find real meaning within their pages. I think sometimes that the authors enjoy the sound of their own ‘voices’.
C.S. Lewis continues to inspire me with his clear insight and straight forward style. He reveals that the four gospels are novelty in their own right. That though they are written in their time, they reflect something that is so out of the second century era. He talks about the gentleness and depth of love that is within The Messiah, how each gospel testifies of this and the fact that ‘modern theology’ (which I might say is still modern today) are full of ‘bible historians’ who never wrote a gospel, never lived in the second century, have not been taught how to read properly and simply do not know God. For a man who was a decided atheist, he speaks more sense than most.
            I conclude now with the assurance that Brad and I are more in love today than yesterday, and more tomorrow than today. I continue with mood swings monthly, and Brad continues with kindness. We do so love you all and pray for you daily. Ever in our hearts.
May you have a lovely weekend.

Ps. Dad is here to help Brad with molecular biology. I’ve tried to help before, but I can’t even pronounce the questions!!!! It’s hard core ay. But Brad’s so dang good with it all. Amazing man!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our little Nook

Brad and I have talked often about how we might keep in touch with our family all around the world.
Monthly emails, post, phone calls, facebook etc. Blogging wasn't even a thought!! But it clicked this past Sunday when I was looking at a friends blog with her, "What a fantastic way to reach everyone and keep a journal!" So here we are.

Noni mention yesterday after dinner that Jess keeps a blog and would put pictures of her apartment up and such. So that is what I'm about today. I just took these photos, so you see our house as it is, Brad still studying on the floor having gotten home 30 minutes ago, and I just finished preparing dinner (it's in the fridge so you don't get to see the salads splendor (I think this is an alright disclaimer for some mess, don't you?)).

This is the front door opening into the living room. It is worth noting that most all of our furnishing and decorative pieces were purchased in a garage sale. We have been incredibly blessed!!! I may add the story to this. We'll see...

The above is our living/ tv room with my handsome husband on the floor studying. On the coffee table you can see a crystal bowl (a gift from a family I taught in NZ) in which I keep a ready supply of goodies :)
I just love the window seat! We have a view of the 'Y' mountain (That is, the mountain has a huge Y on it which stands for BYU). The apple and cinnamon candle Beth gave me for my bridal shower is lit. Smells so yummy!
Here is our dining room area. I don't know what to say... Mom and I re-painted and upholstered the dining set. It was a lime green and yellow before, way gross. I never realized how time consuming re-painting and upholstering is!! especially when the upholstery is put on backwards on one of the chairs ;) hehehe Takes some growling to do it all over again.
Our kitchen! Complete with bakers rack. That is a wall clock from Nana and Papa. We get to choose the tune it sounds and how often. It has a moon dial that doesn't really work, but it looks really cool! (It took us (me) ages to decide which wall clock suited Brad and I :)
On the right is our room, the left is our study, and straight ahead is the bathroom. We are burning 'Thai Temple' the candle I got from Luke and Kathy for my birthday. We've got reminders of our family everywhere!

Our Bedroom. The curtain matches the bedspread. We bought this bed spread with the money Mum and Dad gave me for my birthday.

Bathroom. Hint of the day: don't buy Burgundy towel... FLUFF FLUFF AND MORE FLUFF! It extends into eternity! Hahahaha!

Our lovely study! and massage room! Mom and Dad decked us out with pretty much everything in here!!! Brad strained his back last week ending up with over a 8 days of pain on his right side, he was studying on the massage table because he could lay flat and still look through the hole. And I was massaging him.
Brad and I had to do a balancing act to get the picture of The Eiffel Tower in Paris up that high. I was standing on his shoulder's!!!! He was moving this way and that so we could get it centered and so I wouldn't fall ;)

Well, I guess that covers it! Of course you are all welcome to come and visit any time you wish. We would love to see you.
Brad and I just love being at home. Although we can't go out much anyways, we often opt for staying home because we can just be in each others company.
Our favourite pass times are watching murder mysteries or something funny, just talking and snuggling, and cooking! We often bake something for our neighbours and ourselves which is a great way to get to know the neighbours.

We send our love to you all.
Brad and Joy

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We're Expecting!!!!

As the title suggests, we are expecting great things for the next coming months.
With school and hopefully a work permit on the way, Brad and I are becoming increasingly busy. We've learned so much already! How to save, how to be in the same room and not hug so we can study :(  and finding out how differently men and women think! It has been quite exciting so far.

This past week Brad and I talked in sacrament meeting. Brad talked about the 14 points of why following the Prophet wont lead you astray, and I talked about the love of God. Though everyone was more interested in my accent than what I actually said, makes me feel like a child sometimes... 'so cute how I say words the funnies way!'

I began school this week which was exciting. I have been without Brad for two weeks now while he's been studying and working, now at least I have something to occupy my mind. LDSBC is a school set in one building with 10 floors. I start the day on the 6th floor, then jog the stairs to the 3rd floor, then jog the stairs again to the 8th floor and back to the 3rd floor. Need I say, my calf muscle and buttocks is sore! I'll be fit as a fiddle in no time :)

Brad is just amazing! He works at BYU Laundry when he has the time, and the rest of the time he's studying!  He has excellent discipline, I'm learning loads from him.

Well, I'd best be off. Just thought you all would like a little update.

Much love
Joanna J. Collett